18 May 2011

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playful kiss-korean drama


playful kiss  ;)


This Korean drama synopsis Based on the popular manga, Oh Ha Ni is a clumsy student who falls for the perfectionist, Baek Seung Jo. However, Seung Jo is indifferent towards her and rejects her love. When Ha Ni’s house collapses, she and her father moves into his long-time friend’s house. It turns out that Seung Jo is the friend’s son and Ha Ni is given the opportunity to be near the guy she loves. Will she be able to move Seung Jo’s heart?wanna know watching this drama..

hey..buddies!!dah pnah tgk cte niyh??niyh drama korean yg tbaru..sweet sgt cte niyh..ble dlm dilema cmniyh..ak suke tgk cte korea bru oke mood ak niyh..hehe..lg2 plak yg jd heronye wow!!my superb Kim Hyun Joon sbgai Baek Seung Jo ..huhu..suke ngn dye niyh..cute n stylo..macho jewk..aww!!hehe..n heroinnye lak Jung So Min sbgai Oh Ha Ni ..mang sweet couple dowg lam cte niyh..hehe..law la dpt cmth..bestnye..tp lam mmpi jewk la..hehe..niyh cume drama rekaan jewk..bknnye knytaan..huhu..but i realy like this sweet drama...btw ak mang lyan cte korea n jepun..huhu..yg blum pnah tgk cte niyh tgk la..niyh linknye..:http://youtu.be/jzHPFXJW72w
tgk la..then pndai2 la mnilainye..bg yg xbmnat cte2 korean niyh xpyah la tgk yewk..hehehe...actualy xtgk cte niyh rugi taw..huhu..best ssgat...selamat menonton..oke!<3
maaf andai entri ini merapu,sile comment(^^,)v

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